Saturday January 27th, 2024

Customized PMVA Solutions

Vertically-Aligned Passive LCD (PMVA) displays are a cost-effective solution for modern industrial designs seeking low-overhead system burden. 

PMVA utilizes traditional LCD manufacturing processes and equipment allowing for high-quality and cost-effective display solutions. These solutions are almost exclusively customized to customer requirements in both panel and module designs. Tooling is relatively low and systems can have optimized interfaces design to size, format, content, and appearance.

PMVA displays can be designed with an on-module display controller. In more simplistic implementations, panels may have the option to be directly driven by customer system electronics. The advantage of display controllers is lower system burden standard system interfaces.

PMVA Displays cosmetically have a very modern look. The vertically-aligned LCD fluid provides symmetrical viewing in all directions. This wide angle viewing and polarization provide high contrast for an eye-catching user interface. Statically-placed color filters can be added to specific areas to provide a multi-color appearance to any user interface.

For more information, please contact OSD Displays for consultation for an optimized solution and detailed assessment of PMVA products.